The choices I have made in my education, career path and many friendships have led me down a road of interactions with countless women that lack confidence. Luckily I was blessed with a father that never ceased to tell me I was beautiful and continued to show me I can achieve anything I set my mind to. Inevitably, I grew into a woman driven by my father’s words and knowing what I deserve to feel in this critical world.
With that said, I feel for the woman that can’t purchase a pair of jeans without her boyfriend’s approval no matter how fabulous they make her feel. It pains me to see the 13 year old girl stop in for Victoria’s Secrets newest padded pushup to imitate Kim Kardashian’s busty physique. I weep for the woman that continues to stay with an abusive partner because she can’t bring herself to see that she is worthy of a man that treats her right. I’m disappointed in the woman who truly believes that sex is how you find your way into a man’s heart. Last but not least, my heart goes out to the woman that permits self doubt to cover up her gorgeous features and keep her from truly finding love.
Marilyn Monroe craved romance and love like any woman naturally does. It is easy to see that like all of us, her heart was scarred by lies and unnecessary hurt. Even so, she was a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. It’s like when you’re rocking your favorite strappy stilettos and the heel breaks without warning. All at once you feel the world closing in as you picture your life and wardrobe without your beloved kicks. Little do you know, your newest addition of Franco Sarto caged pumps will not only replace but outshine your failed piece.
"People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." Marilyn Monroe
Ultimately, a scarred heart must not negatively shape your confidence in finding a new addition to your life. Everything happens for a reason and someone will not only replace but outshine the person that failed you. You deserve someone that yearns to build your confidence because it will only give you a stronger foundation to return the favor. They will strive to make you feel sexy even as you roll out of bed with no makeup and hair resembling a bird’s nest. They will push you to move forward with your career because they believe in your talent. They will keenly listen to stories of your nerdy childhood in hopes of understanding your journey in becoming the person you are today. They will accept that your concept of time is permanently skewed no matter how many times you promise you won’t be late. They will answer a call at 2 am to keep you from driving after you’ve had one too many margaritas with your girlfriends. They will continue to surprise you with the simple fact that genuine people can still be found in this world.
A shiny replacement is not typically found on any ordinary wall display or rack. You may find yourself waiting quite some time for that limited edition piece. Nonetheless, confidence will only encourage you to wait for the best because you’re worth it. Confidence is a girl’s best friend.