I don't have many mottos, but one hits my heart like a markdown clearance hits my credit card statement. There is no such thing as over accessorizing. Sure, Coco Chanel’s guidelines for chic and comfortable fashion encouraged women to remove one piece before leaving the house. But even this fashion muse could not drape herself with enough luxurious strands of pearls.
Its rules like these that give people the impression that they are limited to solely one fabulous accessory at a time. Needless to say, I am in complete disagreement. As I look down at my electric blue fingernails and four statement rings, I can’t help but wonder how boring my hand would be without them. They truly bring interest. Whether it's a unique bangle from the streets of Little India or the latest Marc Jacobs perfume ring, my outfits are not complete without an accessory.
Contrary to popular belief, the best accessories may not be square-cut, pear shaped or come in a little blue box neatly tied with white ribbon. In fact, the finest accessories don’t come in a box at all. They come in that person willing to take a risk by loving you. Even though they guard their heart like any fashionista would guard the last Chloe scarf at a crowded sample sale, they chance tearing down their walls for you. My dear friends.
Now, I am certainly not stating that you and my bangles are equivalent in any way. I simply cannot imagine me without you. You only better the woman I am becoming. I believe I have come a long way in evaluating the friendships I choose to surround myself with. Whether I have known you for most of my life or merely 8 seasons, you have been my teacher and my confidant and for that I am sincerely grateful.
Just as I am learning what I truly want in a Mr. Right, I am still discovering what I want in my friends. Without a doubt, my current friendships have spoiled me with more trust and reliability than my inspiring InStyle magazine. I’m certainly not jumping to conclusions by declaring they would take a punch from a classy gal in an ill fitting tank top if it meant I didn’t have to ruin my freshly manicured nails. We’ve been there. You have relentlessly come to understand my insecurities and disappointments even at 2:00 AM with Dior mascara running down my cheeks. The solitary word that comes to my mind is selfless.
I know it’s not always easy to stand by a friend’s side when they’re too busy with the latest guy to return your missed calls. I can understand when the person you depend on most never ceases to let you down by choosing you last or solely themselves first. But I can also appreciate those that continue to shape my life in a positive way. I can safely say I will strive to leave a lasting impression on you.
For as my Calvin Klein boots accessorize my sole, you have truly accessorized my soul.